What is Pearson BTEC?
BTECs are high quality, career-focused qualifications grounded in the real world of work.
BTEC courses focus on skills-based learning and are designed around themed units. Rather than testing everything together at the end, BTECs are tested throughout the course using assessments based on real-life scenarios. This practical approach allows BTEC learners to develop and apply the knowledge and skills that employers and universities are looking for.
And that means there are plenty of opportunities to learn, improve and succeed.
A BTEC is so much more than just a qualification-former BTEC-qualified students often say how they continue to apply what they learned on their BTEC course when they progressed on to further study, started a job, and as they advance throughout their career.
How is BTEC Structured & Assessed?
BTEC focuses on skills-based learning and is designed around subject themed units. It is designed with employers so students can be assured that the knowledge, understanding and skills developed will prepare you for the world of work. BTEC is made up of many assessments-called assignments-which are mostly set by the assessor. Assignments are based on real-life creative scenarios and are in various formats including practical tasks, written work, video recordings or group presentations. BTEC enables you to build knowledge and skills over time and combine the knowledge, skills and behaviours that employers and universities are looking for. You will be tested throughout the course with assignments marked by teachers and checked by Pearson using grades-Pass, Merit or Distinction.
What can you study?
BTEC International Level 2 Qualifications
Extended Certificate
Equivalent to 3 International GCSEs
Equivalent to 4 International GCSEs
Available Sectors
BTEC International Level 3 Qualifications
720 GLH
Equivalent to 2 International A levels
Available Sectors